8 locations around Australia
Where you can work with ANZUK
Australia provides a wealth of experiences for anyone embarking on a working holiday or making a more permanent move. With an extensive network of partner schools and centres nationally, we can always find the best fit for you.
Its time for a new teaching adventure.
Education opportunities
ANZUK offers educators opportunities in:
Early Childhood
Education support (TA)
Special Needs Settings (SEN)
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Administration staff

Hear from
our educators
With international borders open, many South African educators are considering making the move to the land down under! We're helping many educators like Karan hit the ground running, with contacts in independent schools across NSW and the rest of Australia, we'll provide continued support throughout your teaching career.

What is it like teaching outside of the capital cities?Making the move to live in regional Australia can often be one of the most liberating feelings any professional can undertake. For people used to living in large metropolitan areas the novelty of no peak hour, finding a park right out the front of your favourite cafe and being within a 15min drive of pretty much every amenity in town can be very surreal. Securing a role at a regional/rural school is easily one of the best financial decisions a teacher can make. Whilst still enjoying pay on the same scale to their big city counterparts, teachers in regional schools enjoy a cost of living that is infinitely better. Being outside of the major cities means you have access to other areas of the state for the weekend (or school holidays.) Doesn’t matter where in the state it is, each area has their own point of difference that makes a weekend getaway that much more enjoyable. Of course, with more disposable income thanks to a lower cost of living, you’ll find you’ve got more opportunity to make these getaways possible!
Will I get bored living outside of Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane?If you get bored living in regional areas, you’re just not doing it right! Doesn’t matter if you’re in a regional city of 60,000 or a small country town of 600, there are different options and opportunities available to you every day and every weekend. In smaller towns, sport is the glue that binds small communities, so a weekend at the footy is not just for the game, it’s an excuse to connect with friends – and meet new ones – whilst exploring what your new community has to offer. Larger cities like Wagga Wagga, Dubbo, Albury, Tamworth (NSW) or Shepparton, Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo (VIC) have everything a big city has, so you’ll never have a lack of options or opportunities in these regional cities. Further, with most larger regional centres having an airport, quick access to the cities is very convenient. For those wanting to drive, a commute can start from just over 2 hours from your front door to the city. You’re never isolated when living in regional Australia.